It's not an eligibility issue, grades problem, or getting kicked off type of thing, but as of yesterday I won't be competing in college anymore.
I sat with coach and told him that this was the best thing for me to do and to my surprise, he was completely supportive and seemed almost as relieved as I am. For teammates and probably a few others, it's been no secret that my coach and I have but heads a bit during my time here at SOU and especially recently. This primarily is due to my decisions to pursue outside interests simultaneously as I train and compete, and his reactions to those decisions. Here's where I could go off and describe it all, but I don't want to, and thats not really the point I'm going for anyway.
Today is my first day as a post collegiate runner, and my run went great.
Of course I had good runs before, but the increasing stress and lack of inherent joy in my running was getting to be more than I was willing to tolerate. So now I am here. I did a workout today and I am running a trail race this weekend. I am in full post-collegiate mode, and it is so freeing.
To my teammates: Its not you, it's me... and coach. I am always ready to go for a run, so let me know and we'll meet up!
As for my future.... We'll see! I am so excited to have the freedom to pursue my running and athletics however I see fit. I haven't written out a training schedule or racing plan yet, and I don't think I will for a while. My headspace is clean and I plan to continue to just do the things I really truly want to be doing.
More on the changes to my lifestyle, running and whatever else I think is good, later.
Until then, quit your job if you hate it!